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Reiff's Nursery & Greenhouse was founded in 1989 by Harvey & Ella Mae Reiff as a vegetable plug production facility for local farmers & large operations such as Furman's Foods, shipping plants to NY, NJ, OH, DE.  Noticing unused space above vegetable crops prompted us to begin hanging basket production. With a flair of success, a new venture emerged as more houses were built and annuals & more went into production, all being sold on a wholesale basis. Due to the endless pressure for quality plants and better selection locally, our clientele persuaded us into a new dream and Reiff's Greenhouse retail was born in 1994.  More houses were added and the response from our customers was beyond our imagination.  We added perennial production, herbs, planters, house plants, tropical plants, & finally trees & shrubs.  The nursery business became a major part of our operation and as successful years passed Reiff's Greenhouse transformed into Reiff's Nursery in 2007. 



In the mid-90's mum production was born and starting with only 500 pots we soon grew to producing over 30,000 fall mums, suppling garden centers and large accounts such as Wal-Mart.  We soon noticed that the large chain stores had no appreciation for our exceptional quality so we reduced our production and now supply only independent garden centers and hardware stores which we feel are the backbone of our country.


Our family grew along these years with Jeremy in 1989, Justin in 1990, Janice in 1992, Judith in 1993, Joshua in 1996, Jordan in 1998, & Janine in 2002, most of whom are active in the business.  We also have a great crew of employees, some being with us for many years.


With the patronage of our loyal customers, our commitment to superior service, & our great staff of family & friends,  we will continue to offer our customers the largest selection of plants at the best prices.  So please,


"Come Grow With Us!"

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